Hard Modes

What is it?

Hard modes introduce increased difficulty and unique rewards, these can be enabled by locating the Shrine of Hardmode nearby starting area graveyards. Any attempts to gain experience or gold, trade, use vendor, use mailbox, use guild bank or use auction house will flag the character and no longer allow you to enable any modes.

Once any mode is enabled they can be disabled at the shrine anytime however this is permanent.

If you achieve the level cap and wish to attempt a second hardcore mode you may request it, your character will then be stripped and de-leveled at our discression.

Modes and rewards:

Hardcore - Permadeath and glow, you will be ported to the shadow realm on death and must either start again on another character or make a request to have it stripped and returned to level 1. You also cannot RDF, trade, party with other modes or use the AH and mailbox services. If you reach level 80 then these restrictions can be removed at the shrine.

Rewards - lvl 80 "The Immortal" title, items "Black Proto-Drake" mount and 3000 Oceanic War Coins.

Self Crafted - Characters can only eat, drink, and wear equipment that they have crafted on that character, no vendor or loot items (excludes starter items and recovery vendor food).
You also cannot trade, party with other modes or use the AH or mailbox services. If you reach level 80 then these restrictions can be removed at the shrine.

Rewards - lvl 80 "Flawless Victor" title, items "Celestial Steed" mount and 2000 Oceanic War Coins.

Slow XP - Experience rates drop back to 1x and you can only group with others when they're within 3 levels of yourself.

Rewards - lvl 80 "Scarab Lord" title, items "Fluorescent Green Mechanostrider" mount and 1000 Oceanic War Coins

Hell - You are half the size, deal half the damage, run at half speed, cannot use talents and drop rates are very low. You also cannot trade, party with other modes or use the AH or mailbox services. If you reach level 80 then these restrictions can be removed at the shrine.

Rewards - lvl 80


These modes can be stacked and if the first 3 are enabled simultaneously and the level cap is reached then we will personally give you an additional 3000 Oceanic War Coins.

Rewards are character bound and cannot be shared.

Hardcore deaths including PvP with other hardcore players are final even when a soul stone or ankh is present. The only exception is when a bug caused your death, this requires screenshots.